This research project is aimed at determining the impact of promotional strategies of pharmaceutical firms on consumer patronage. The study was expected to reveal at the end of the day the degree of these promotional messages on consumer patronage, and it will equally help the producers of pharmaceutical to understand the consumers’ attitude towards the use of their products.
The objective of the study were to find out the following:-
Secondly, information was collected through the use of structured question are administered to consumers. Oral interview were conducted among the producers of pharmaceuticals, consumers and patent medicine dealers.
Secondary data were collected from journals, publications and other related works.
Chi- square (X2) statistical tool was used in the analysis of primary data at 95% confidence level. It was found out that almost all the consumer respondent have at time or the other bought a brand of pharmaceutical products.
Also substantial number of the consumer respondents got to know of Gabbey brands through the company representatives.
On the basis of the above findings it was concluded that consumers seek constantly pharmaceutical product with desired attributes to solve their health problems.
However, the population of the study was made up of the resident of Enugu metropolis. The researcher used a census survey for the staff strength of the company of (10) persons, and the sample size was 246.
Finally, it was recommended that thee is need for NAFDAC and other regulatory bodies to shed off their current conservative and restrictive approach in promotion of pharmaceutical. Manufactures should be encouraged to interact to exchange information directly with their customer using interactive media like internet, e-mal etc.
Current Global trends where drugs are promoted as fact moving consumers goods like putting a lot of pressure on marketing/promotion approaches of pharmaceutical firm. These firms should therefore invest more regularly on researches that track the dynamic consumer behaviour in order to articulate promotional programmes base on current anticipated needs of the consumers.
The researcher believe that if these recommendations are religiously carried out, pharmaceutical firms will laugh loudly well as they will witness a stupendous and astronomical increase in their sales turnover and even on return on investment.
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